RUN OF LIFE was an itinerant, collectively-curated experimental documentary and expanded media series presented roughly once a month from 2014-2017. The series paired a recent feature experimental documentary with a short nonfiction work in any number of mediums – performance, video short, interactive presentation, audio doc, etc. At each event, a post screening Q&A was moderated by either a local expert engaged in the movie’s subject matter or an artist involved in the making of the work.
RUN OF LIFE sought to join experimental and documentary media audiences while exploring emerging tactics within representations of reality; the empathetic connection that is built through sensory experience rather than factual arguments; and aesthetic shifts in documentary that come with the breakdown of the fourth wall.
RUN OF LIFE was founded by Christy LeMaster and Beckie Stochetti and programmed by a rotating board of women artists, organizers, and journalists. Past programmers include Robin Amer, Emily Eddy, Jillian Hansen-Lewis, Sally Lawton, Jenny Miller, and Kat Sachs. Past venues include Constellation Chicago, Nightingale Cinema, the Music Box, and Gallery 400.